Free Online Hex Color Picker for Web Designer

UI Designer / Web Designer searching for that perfect color has never been easier, use our hex color picker to browse the color that you like.

Fast and simple

Your can select the color or search by color name.

Copy and Paste

Just click the color & the code will automatically copy into the clipboard. Paste it into your code editor.
Web designer always needs that for their website project.


Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

It’s more important than ever to make sure your website looks good and performs well on mobile devices.

How can you tell if your website is mobile-friendly or not? Check out the example below from Google.

What is Responsive Design (RWD) ?

Responsive web design (RWD)  is about using HTML and CSS to to make the website content is automatically adjusted for optimal viewing based on all devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile phones). Google improves your page ranking when your design is responsive!

Still not sure if your website is mobile-friendly? Just check it out our free Mobile Testing Tool

Here’s what webbit site looks like on different view:

Desktop View

Tablet View

Mobile View

Free Responsive Website Tester

Responsive Website Design Tester is a quick and easy way to test your responsive website.

Quickly preview your responsive website designs at the dimensions they will be seen on popular mobile devices.

Includes presets for iOS (iPhone , iPad, iPad Mini, iPad Pro).

Enjoy the FREE Responsive Website Tester.

Free Google Keyword PageRank Checker Tool

Google Keyword PageRank Checker is a tool used to detect the position of a website or URL in the search engine (particularly, Google) for a given keyword as per competing with other websites for the same keyword.

For example, if you run a website about web design, you may want to know what position that website currently holds on Google for the keyword “web design malaysia

Our Google keyword PageRank Checker Tool shows you this information… for completely FREE. The tool is not just quick and simple to use, it is also extremely reliable and effective.

Step 1

Step 2

  • Enter your Keyword (or that of your competitor) on the “keyword” space provided. This is the keyword whose position you want to check.
  • Enter your URL (or that of your competitor) on the “” space provided. This is the website whose position you want to check.
  • For Country by default is: Malaysia, if you are out of Malaysia you may select other country.

Step 3

Once you’re done,, just click on”START” to run your check.

In a few seconds, the results usually look like this:

The above screenshot shows ranking #6 for the keyword “webbit”.

With the result above, you will have a better idea of the competition around the keywords you’re targeting and how you can work to reach your objectives.

Enjoy the FREE Google keyword page rank checker tool.

100% automatically  in 5 seconds  without a single click

Personal & Professional

Whether you are a graphic designer, web designer, web developer, photographer or selfie lover: Removing backgrounds has never been easier.

Saves Time & Money

Spending hour after hour separating foregrounds from backgrounds? There’s a better way to remove your image background online – and it’s FREE.

100% Automatically

Aside from the image file, requires no further input: No selecting pixels, no marking persons, nothing.


Just enter your content and pick the case you need to change over it to.

Now you can do faster for your office job / layout design. This tool can convert your text to any case.

Webbit Free Convert Case online now available for Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case & Title Case.

You can download the text from there as well. Just click the download button it will auto download as the .txt format for you!
